Advertising and editorial portrait photographer based in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Work exhibited at The Royal Academy of the Arts Summer Exhibition, London, 2021.
We all have our own individual stories but in them, however varied, there’s relatability. I’m fascinated by photography’s potential to explore and convey this connecting quality. When that connection is enabled with a person or subject matter from the marginalised, underrepresented or misrepresented, I find that to be particularly satisfying.
Donald Michael Bowie Chambers
U.K. & Denmark (2003 - present) - M.A.; work; commit; live; discover; love.
U.S.A (1999 - 2003) - B.A.; study; explore; experience; discover.
Jamaica (1993 - 2001) - family; friends; beach; cricket.
Trinidad & Tobago (1979 - '93) - birthplace; family; love; carnival; colour.
Donald Michael Chambers